Attorney Richard Gaudreau

Month: April 2010

In Over Your Head?

[caption id="attachment_118" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Past Due Notices and Collector Calls Can Push Debtors into a Rash Decision"][/caption] If the phone never stops ringing and bill collectors are harassing you morning, noon and night, you're not alone.  With millions of Americans facing financial peril due to job loss, medical bills, or other financial hardships, it's no...

Resolve to Save Big and Change Your Financial Future

[caption id="attachment_102" align="alignleft" width="173" caption="Elizabeth Leamy's Save Big CAN change your financial future."][/caption] Everyone knows that the top New Year's resolution is to lose weight or live a healthier life, but do you know what ranks as the #2 resolution?     The second most popular resolution is to get out of debt and gain more control...